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Offer type: salePublished: 12.10.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Car + Tire
Address: , Moscow, Kurkino
Total area 120 sq m
2 washing Boxing for 4 cars
1 recreation room + reception
1 room for staff
Technical equipment and communication:
1.In each wash box 1 wash post
2.2 capacity for water 6 cubes
3.1 backup capacity by 10 cubes
4.Repair standard
5.Drainage in Central Sewerage
6.Hood centralized
7.Heating - heat gun
8.Electricity - there is
Tire - 20 square meters (room without equipment)
Legal form: IE
Right: the lease Agreement with the Management company for garage
Term: 11 months with prolongation, when you purchase the renewal of the Contract with the warranty extension
Lease terms: monthly payment 150 000