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We can buy the products for cancer treatment. Casodex, Solaria, MabThera.

Offer type: salePublished: 10.10.2014
Seller:Koval' Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
We can buy the products for cancer treatment. Casodex, Solaria, MabThera.
Always from a warehouse in Kiev we can buy the products for cancer treatment. Casodex, Solaria, MabThera and it's not the whole price.
Please call
Possible wholesale supplies with 5 PCs of each drug
For reasonable money selling drugs from cancer. The products of foreign manufacturers, high quality are the same as in pharmacies, only much cheaper. Orders are accepted from residents of Ukraine. On the website You can order these - Casodex, Herceptin, the Drug, zometa, Solaria, Gleevec, Diferelin, Zoladex, xeloda,
MabThera, pegasis, femara and other products for cancer treatment.
order to register on our website or by phone Pharmacist :ANELLA: +380635817308 details on the website