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Rollers for rubber and plastic DD-320 160/160

Offer type: salePublished: 08.10.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements PD-160/160 - rollers for laboratory work, improve ductility and heating of rubber compounds, rubber and plastics, mixture of rubber and plastics with different ingredients, and listomania mixes b/y, year - 1979. The diameter of the rolls - 160 mm length of rolls - 320 mm, length arrows - 290 mm, the permissible distance increased by 1 cm length of the rolls - 350 kgf, the gap between rolls - 0,2...8 mm Complete status checking. For more information and pictures on request and on the website
We offer the equipment for manufacture of products from plastics and rubber: DB, DA, DE, DGA, DB, RNM-160S, PD, PA, PHM-100A, DE, DGA, DG, varying between 250 and 600-A, 160-400-2E, 100-400-2E, KuASY 5000/630, DP.2, KuASY 1800/400-II, KuASY 1400/400, SP-180DD, KuASY 630-160-II, spent-500/160M, spent-500/160