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New 2014 Starbuzz

Offer type: salePublished: 08.10.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Fashionable novelty. Buy
Electronic inhaler E-Hose Starbuzz this:
- Safe (0% nicotine and tar)
- Fashionable (Mega fashion trend in Europe and USA)
- Delicious (14 different flavors that you can mix)
- Convenient (you can Use everywhere and always took it with him)
Legally (it is Completely legal to use in public places, cafes and clubs)
Starbuzz E-Hose is a great gift for a birthday or any other holiday.
Your gift will be the best at the festival, Starbuzz E-Hose is a trend of 2014.
Price, rubles: 3288
Currency: Rubles