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A loan to Refinance Any KEY. Without prepayments

Offer type: servicesPublished: 06.10.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Assistance in obtaining loan up to 5 000 000 million rubles, if you have a lot of small loans and you have begun the delay, this offer is for you, the loan closed on other loans. Allowed current delay, historical delay and high load. The money is issued to you in cash(the entire amount in one Bank). Conditions adequate to 16.5% per annum, the Commission of 10-15%. Registration of the application and receipt in Moscow. Requirement: age 18+, the registration of any region of the Russian Federation, the actual location in Moscow, the lack of prior convictions. The design is without guarantors and collateral payment. The positive decision of the Bank is guaranteed at all stages of your application controlled. To call until 22:00 GMT.