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To buy a ready credit cooperative (PDA)

Offer type: salePublished: 03.10.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Are ready to offer a credit consumer cooperative (PDA) .
Easily registered credit cooperative in ANY region of the Russian Federation within 5 working days.
Sell credit cooperative "Opening"
The cooperative was registered on may 23, 2014, in Moscow.
Shareholders of a credit cooperative: 1 yr. face and 6 individuals (this is the minimum for registration PDA ACC. # 190 FZ of the Russian Federation)
Current account credit cooperative opened in three-D Bank.
The cooperative is SRO credit consumer cooperatives
"National Cash Register (Cousseran)"
Together with the cooperative transmit to the website by accepting deposits and issuing loans with beautiful domain names.
The activity was not conducted(account statement) .
Sale credit cooperative through the change of Chairman of the Board.