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The increase in profit turnkey business. With warranty

Offer type: servicesPublished: 03.10.2014
Seller:Andrej Popov
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
I have several years engaged in the increased profits of the business "turnkey". I.e. delve into key business processes and improve. Without making the head owner.
I will certainly be useful if you:
- Business owner
- Open a new
Company wholesaler
The company with its production
Do not read on if:
- Think you know everything
- No time
- Do you think that business unmanaged, you already did that, I tried everything
Better just tell me the numbers:
The last client, I increased the profit of the store on the 870 thousand rubles for 3 months. It is a small retail store
Most importantly - 100% guaranteed profit!
I wonder how I do it? Call me, I'll tell you everything over the phone, show reviews, ladies contacts its customers