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Ammeter panel with external transformer of the AM-100/Sch01 (100A)

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:268 UAH
Seller:Malikov Aleksandr
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

The purpose of the device:

Ammeter AC current for panel placement with an external transformer, designed for measuring AC current in amperes at 50(±1)Hz. Ammeter equipped with a digital indicator for comfortable and accurate readings.


  • measurement ranges: 0 ... 99,9 A;
  • resolution display: 0,1 a;
  • the number of digits of the digital display: 3;
  • digit height led indicators: 15mm;
  • power supply: 220V, 50Hz;
  • current transformer: external (included);
  • ambient temperature: +5º to +50 º C;
  • the size of the ammeter: h mm;
  • window size: 50x50 mm;
  • the inner diameter of the current transformer: 22 mm