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Sell b/a showcase for confectionery café, food service, restaurants

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:10 000 UAH
Seller:Golovatyij Yurij
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Sell used confectionery showcase for cafes, catering,dining, restaurants.

Modern design, previousy the attention of every buyer. Equipped with the cooling system. Manufacturer Italy.

Voltage: 220 To
Power: 0
,184 kW
Temperature range: from 4 to 15

Size: 420 mm x 1015 mm x 540 mm

The price of UAH 10,000.

Warranty 6 months.

Phone 096-874-9080 Yuri

(will sell used refrigeration equipment, used restaurant equipment, buy secondhand showcase for confectionery café, food service, sell secondhand showcase confectionery, used equipment for cafes)