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AB-50/70 Apparatus test high voltage test insulation cables

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:23 700 UAH
Company:OOO PKF Molniya
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Apparatus test AV-50/70" is Intended for testing the insulation of power cables and solid dielectrics rectified electric voltages up to 70 kV, and for the testing of solid dielectrics a sinusoidal voltage with frequency of 50 Hz and up to 50 kV.

The test apparatus AB-50/70 (hereinafter - the machine is designed for testing the insulation of power cables and solid dielectrics rectified voltage, and also for testing solid dielectrics sinusoidal voltage with frequency of 50 Hz.

The device is designed for operation under a canopy or in rooms at the operating ambient temperatures from -10° C to + 40° C, relative humidity 80 % at the temperature + 20° C and atmospheric the pressure of 84.0 - 106,7 kPa (630 - 800 mm RT. Art.).






2.1. Power supply voltage single-phase

AC - 220±11

2.2. The parameters of the device on the rectified voltage in continuous mode (up to 5 minutes) nominal voltage:

· highest working voltage, kV - 70;

· maximum operating current, mA - 30

2.3. The parameters of the device with alternating voltage in continuous mode (up to 5 minutes) nominal voltage:

· maximum operating voltage (RMS), kV - 50;

· maximum operating current (effective value), mA, - 40

2.4. Power consumption, kW, not more - 2

2.5. Given the measurement error of the output voltage and current, % , not more - 3

2.6. Weight, kg, not more:

block management - 15

block high voltage - 35

2.7. Dimensions:

the control unit - HH

block high voltage - HH

2.8. The average term of service 10 years




                                                                                                                                      Table 1




1. B 1. The control unit



2. B 2. The high voltage unit



3. 3. Cable network



4. P 4. The ground wire



5. P 5. The high-voltage wire



Operational documents



5. Apparatus test

6. AB-50/70

Hand Manual

AB- AB-50/ re