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Effective way to get rid of mice and rats rodent repeller deg a-550 uz. Modern device from mice and rats, humane way will save You

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:890 UAH
Seller:Protekt Ivan
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Address:Ukraine, Chernivets'ka Oblast', Chernivtsi

An effective way get rid of mice and rats rodent repeller deg a-550 uz. Modern the device from mice and rats, humane way to rid You of pests in the house, a garage, shed, as well as help to make progress in getting rid of the autumn-winter invasion rodents in retail, warehouse, industrial premises, because the area the protection device is 550 square feet

Ultrasonic rodent repeller Deg A-550 UZ work done silent: the action is based on a unique ultrasonic image (perceived rodents as a signal to escape). The effect of habituation in mice, rats no. Works both on battery and plugged in. Price: 890 USD.

Warranty - 1 year. Shipping Ukraine free!