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kit No. 2 disconnector HV-16, GNP, Hungary

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:NPO "EnergoKomplekt"
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Address:Russian Federation, Kemerovskaya Oblast', Kemerovo
NGO "Energocomplekt" - offers spare parts for breakers of the load introduced by the maintenance and repair of transformer substations (TS 6...10 KV). In the composition of multi-No. 2 switch-disconnector HV-16, GNP, Hungary include: - interrupter chamber - 3 PCs; - liner (arc chamber) polymethyl methacrylate - 3 PCs; Shipping kit No. 1 disconnector HV-16, GNP, Hungary, Hungary 10/400 performed throughout Russia!