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Marks measuring instruments

Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Company:Stomer, OOO
Seller:Vitalij Grigor'evich
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv

The organization will supply and measuring devices from a warehouse under the order.

Instruments the company's Radio-Service: megger E6-24, E6-32, E6 24/1, Pathfinder Stalker 75 04, measure resistance IS, SP 10/1, SP 20/1.
Equipment Picotest: multimeters MA, MA, generator G5100A, frequency U6200A, U6211A.
The Fluke Thermal Imagers.
The instruments measure of the resistance of the transformer Ratio, C-3, a Factor of 3.
Micrometry-ohmmeters Round, X-5, TSS, FM, TC-200, CV200.