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Vitamins Whitegucci" Calcium - 90 PCs.

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Price:130 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Vitamins Whitegucci" Calcium, vanilla flavor, contains - Calcium + vitamin D3

Thanks to a well-balanced and optimal composition, vitamins Whitegucci" Calcium recommended for children under the change of milk teeth at the root, for caries prevention, with festering injuries and broken bones.

Calcium (Ca) - is a vital element, no plant, no animal will not be able to function normally without this element. Calcium is one of the most common minerals in our body, he is present in every cell of our, even in the cells of the heart, nerves and muscles. The blood helps to deliver the calcium in organs and tissues of the body, and exactly where it is particularly needed. Calcium stimulates the function of certain enzymes and hormones, insulin secretion, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action, increases the body's defenses, affects the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein in the muscles, the recovery processes of the water balance in the body, making a leaching effect in acid-base balance along with sodium (Na), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg).

Vitamin D3 - its main function is to ensure normal growth and development of bones. Cholecalciferol regulates mineral metabolism and contributes to the accumulation of calcium in bone and dentin, preventing them from softening, and is also necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting, heart function and regulation of the excitability of nerve cells. D3 is unique - it is the only vitamins, acting not only as a vitamin but a hormone, and when combined with vitamins A and C helps prevent colds.