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The Hydraulic firewood processor for firewood

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:Biznes Stroj
Seller:Bulejko Denis
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Address:Ukraine, Kirovohrads'ka Oblast', Oleksandriya

The firewood processor is designed for firewood or chopping wood wood in the wood.

Recommended for use in home and small business. High performance and safety in operation.

The drive from the electric motor, which drives the oil pump. The oil pump creates pressure in the line, controlling its direction of flow of arms is achieved by movement of the rod.

Technical characteristics of the firewood processor:Diameter logs for schism: 400-600 mm
The maximum length of logs: 600 mm (custom)
Power division: 6 tons
Knife set: 2 and 4 parts