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Concrete mixer 0.5 cubic meters - for mixing concrete and mortars

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:Biznes Stroj
Seller:Bulejko Denis
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Address:Ukraine, Kirovohrads'ka Oblast', Oleksandriya

Blade mixer is a unit which is intended for forced mixing concrete solutions to any concentrations of the starting components.

Unlike other types of mixers, similar patterns of forced type thrown Mixable material more exposed. Preparation of the necessary mixture in such Assembly takes place by moving the blade shafts. Features of their form and character rotation is able to provide convective transport of the mixture in the chamber, where it is being processed. The forced apparatus of the type designed for cooking huge amounts of mixtures than gravity mixers mixing.

The lobed mixers of the type used in forced concrete mixing solutions with low concentrations of the starting components (among the builders they are called hard cement mixtures), for the preparation of plastic mixtures. And they, in turn, used in the manufacture of paving, curbs, small architectural forms and products of a different kind.

The mixing device samples forced type has its outer and inner blades, inner and outer scrapers. Penetration of particles of crushed stone under the blades of the mixer, brackets blades can make turns in the case. While turning on the bracket, the focus will be in contact with spring shock absorbers. The blades are usually kept in working condition by the clamps and springs. The inner and outer scrapers are very closely connected with the brackets and rotor. To maintain the mixing device in working condition, you need to ensure that between the working device and the inner surface of the bowl has always been a gap of constant size.

This unit can be installed outdoors (for example, under a canopy), and in the room. This mixer is easy to install and will not create a great deal of trouble on her serve. And the compact design will allow you to save and without that necessary as the air of the working area. Another noteworthy and optimal multilevel placement of concrete knives - because this design feature helps to more efficiently mix the concrete mix.

Specifications:Capacity: 2500 l/h
Working volume: 500 l
Full volume: 650 l
The installed capacity of electric drive: 5.5 kW
Power supply: 380 Century (three phase)
Dimensions: - mm
Weight: 450 kg