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The chef costume

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Company:OOO'Elit Poshiv TD
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The company "Elite Tailoring TD" positioning in the market Ukraine as a manufacturer of uniforms (spectak),uniforms, medical uniform, PPE. Produced workwear,suits and working gloves are of high quality and modern design. All workwear,uniforms and footwear are certified and includes a unique the components are made with the finest domestic and imported materials. All this was clearly demonstrated in our showroom stores workwear (spectak), where you can buy a wide range of costumes and working workwear that meets the requests of representatives of all professions and specialties. We sew work clothing
uniforms, medical clothing, including sketches of the customer. And a lot of other bright fashionable clothes,
allowing you to look good