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Best repeller rats, moles, mice Grad a not addictive: the wreckers leave the place of residence and not come back. Repeller about

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:690 UAH
Seller:Protekt Ivan
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

Best repeller rats, moles, mice Grad A not addictive: the wreckers leave the place of residence and not return back. Repeller against rats and mice can be used in premises (warehouses, granaries, garages, and other), and against moles - on the street (for this device in a sealed package (PVC film) burrows into the mole hole or shrew to a depth of approximately 10 cm). The action of the repeller covers up to 500 square meters, runs on batteries and plugged in 220 C.

Grad-500 emits ultrasonic waves, which causes fear and desire of the pests to leave the territory. The effect of habituation is absent. Price: 690 UAH.

Warranty - 1 year. Delivery in Ukraine for free!

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