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Spray airless spray machine Graco King 70:1

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:5 920 $
Seller:Shtan'ko Dmitrij
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Address:Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa
Max. the outlet pressure bar 469
Max. air pressure 7 bar
Flow per double stroke (cycle) 80 ml
Capacity 11 l/min
Max. free flow 32 l/min
Max. the working fluid temperature 62 ° C
An inlet for air¾"
Foster open. paint 1¼"
The diameter of the output channel for the paint¾" ( ½ ")
Height 1360 mm
Weight 117 kg

apparatus XTREME KING 70:1 NXT cart
- painting high pressure hose ⅜ "-15 m
"leash" ¼" to connect a pistol - 1 m
- paint gun XTR-7 aplodermatinae and nozzle