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Filter hydraulic slit 16-125-1 NF4, 40-125-1 NF4 HOST-75

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:480 UAH
Company:Kiev Gidroprivod, ChP
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

Filters slotted (flat) with manual cleaning designed for filtration of mineral oils in hydraulic and lubricating systems, machines and other machines with pressure to 6.3 MPa.

Technical characteristics of the filter 16-125-1 ( outdated marking 5-125-1K):

Diameter conditional pass - 10mm

Rated the filtration - mm

Rated consumption - 16L/min

Performance in the case with thread, mounted on the pipe, thread K3/8”

Technical characteristics of the filter 40-125-1 ( outdated marking 25-125-1K):

Diameter conditional pass - 16mm

Rated the filtration - mm

Rated consumption - 40L/min

Performance in the case with thread, mounted on the pipe, thread K1/2”

    Products offers from a warehouse in Kiev, passes pre-training and checking guarantee will be given. Send in Ukraine LLC “Nova poshta”