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Equipment for cafes, bars, restaurants

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:10 UAH
Seller:Evgenij Ohrimenko Yur'evich
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

Sell removespyware , dough mixing machines, boilers food KPE 60-250, boilers ECG-25, 50, 100, ice maker (cube/scale), vegetable slicers, cleaning cloth, grinder, kartoffelsack, electrocolored COMPUTER-0,2, band saws (for cutting frozen meat, fish, bones, slicer, pizza ovens, dishwashers, refrigeration and much more .

The equipment is new. The guarantee. The ability send in any region of Ukraine.

Kyivstar (96)342-07-47,

MTS (50) 765-88-38,

Life (93)719-02-16