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Huge selection of air conditioners wholesale and retail, delivery across Moscow and Russia!

Offer type: salePublished: 18.10.2013
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
Huge selection of air conditioners wholesale and retail, delivery across Moscow and Russia!
Buy air conditioning Mitsubishi Electric and get a humidifier as a gift!
-Warranty air-conditioned 5 years! With an annual service!
-When buying the air conditioner,the first service 50% discount ! Expert advice for free!
Order on the website!
proclimate5 dot ru
The company is also About Climate offers:
-a wide selection of HVAC equipment
-ventilation and heating(domestic, industrial and semi-industrial purpose)
The main directions of the company are:
sale(wholesale and retail)
-installation, repair and maintenance of equipment.
For clients with regions we offer a flexible discount system.
Also by large disposable supplies, maintained large corporate clients, offices and shopping complexes.
The pricing policy of the company "Pro-Climate" aimed at long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.