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Nails construction

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Price:10 UAH
Company:OOO NTP "Zelenyij Mir"
Seller:Georgij Leonidovich
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Address:Ukraine, Khersons'ka Oblast', Kherson

Nails construction from the manufacturer. Packed in boxes of 25 kg

Size: Price:
CHM 10000 UAH/t
CHM 10000 UAH/t
CHM 10000 UAH/t
CHM 10000 UAH/t
CHM 10000 UAH/t
CHM 10000 UAH/t
CHM 10000 UAH/t
Hm 11000 UAH/t

LLC STP Green World produces normal nails of crude steel.
Our company boasts the optimum ratio of price-quality nails construction with a complete production cycle, closed within the enterprise: rod - wire - nails construction.
We can offer You one of the most liquid prices in Ukraine. Our construction nails are ideal for woodworking industry and carpentry constructions, production of pallets, boxes and other products.