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Sunflower oil "Golden edge" 1l.

Offer type: salePublished: 22.09.2018
Price:53 RUR
Seller:Vasilij Grigor'evich
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Dagestan, Derbent

OOO "ENERGOPOLIS" trading house Creamery "SAHIBI" offers sunflower oil of the WFD. PAT 1l, 5L. n=53 rubles/liter, exp., Between 58.50 rubles/liter, including VAT.

GOST 1129-2013, "Highest grade", odorless, has no bitterness and sediment.

The volume of production of 3 000 tonnes in a month. Minimum lot size is 10 tonnes.

Pickup and delivery of vehicles and containers. Always low prices and great quality.