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Cylinder 2 tbsp. 805П30-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8

Offer type: salePublished: 10.07.2024
Company:OOO PKP 'Gazsel'stroj LTD'
Seller:Aleksandr Yur'evich
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine


Spare part on compressors series 305ВП-30 /8 in availability on stock .
Filter suction FAR on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The motor BSDM 15-21-12 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The stator on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The rotor on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Shield automation AB 4/2-1 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Refrigerator 1 tbsp. 1ХРК10 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Refrigerator 2 tbsp. ХРК9/8 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The valve 1 of article 321.00.00 STP 0501-215-78 with suyu-lock. 050.00.000 STP 0501-224-78 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The valve 2 St. C1-25 suyu-lock. 1НДЗО-4V STP 0501-407-75 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Frame 505П-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
The sleeve of the crosshead 5P-1-2 compressor 305ВП-30/8
The filter receiving 202П-6-1SB. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Crankshaft Assembly 905П-2-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Crankshaft 905П-2-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Bearing 3538 GOST 5721-75 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Gear helical 105P-2-5 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The crosshead Assembly 305П-3sat. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The crosshead 405П-3-3 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Finger cross 305П-3-1SB. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Nut stock mortgage 105P-3-2 compressor 305ВП-30/8
The jam nut 5P-3-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Retaining ring 5P-3-5 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The rod Assembly 405П-4SB. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Rod 405П-4-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Rod with a remote. Ring 35P-100-75сб. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Connecting rod bolt 105P-4-4 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Nut bolt connecting rod 5P-4-3 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Ring oil 5P-4-6 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Liner ВК160-01 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Liner ВК160-02 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Liner 105P-4.2.1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Liner 105P-4.2.2 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Bearing needle 4024113 GOST 4657-82 (86 needles) on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
4024113 needle bearing with inner clip on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Station (lubricator) 31-04-2 NF4 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Spring rocker arm lubricator on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The valve oil. 306.593.001 sat on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The lubrication unit Assembly 305П-5сб. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The unit on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The bearing housing 405П-5-4 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The fitting on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Fine filter 63-125-2 NF4 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Pump oil, Chester. Assembly 5P-5-1SB. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The pump housing 5P-5-1-1-01 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The roller leading 205P-5-1-3 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Bracket 5P-5-1-2 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Gear helical 5P-5-1-4 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Bushing 5P-5-1-5 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Bushing 5P-5-1-5-01 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Roller follower 5P-5-1-6 the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Gear leading 2СГ50-0705 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Gear driven 2СГ50-0705 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Sleeve 2СГ50-0709 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Sleeve SA8-0708 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder 1 article in the collection 805П47сб. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder 1 tbsp. 805П47-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder cover 1 tbsp. 805П47-3 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder 1 tbsp. 5П47-2 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Ring sealing. the sleeve 514-525-67-2-6 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Valve 1 tbsp. 165-0 PEAK,4 AM on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Valve PEAK 1 of article 165-2,5 AM on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
A set of plates PEAK 165-0,4 AM on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
A set of plates PEAK 165-2,5 AM on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Strap retaining PEAK 100-4,0/27 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
A glass pressure plate 1 article П165 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The valve cover 1 of article 165-5-3 STP 0501-104-80 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The valve cover 1 of article 5П48-8 STP 0501-104-80 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The piston 1 article in the collection 5П47-2SB. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The piston 1 of article 5П47-2-1] on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Stock 1 tbsp. 5П47-2-3 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Nut stock 5П48-2-4 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The piston ring 1 of article 470х13х9 STP 0501-146-78 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder 2 tbsp. Assembly 805П30сб. the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder 2 tbsp. 805П30-1 compressor 305ВП-30/8
Cylinder cover 2 tbsp. 105П30-3 compressor 305ВП-30/8
The cylinder liner 2 of article 105П30-2 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Ring sealing. the casings 2 tbsp. 340-350-62-2-6 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Valve 2 tbsp. PEAK 150-2,5 AM on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
A set of plates PEAK 150-2,5 AM on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
Strap retaining PEAK 100-4,0/27 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
A glass pressure plate 2 tbsp. П150 STP 0501-100-75 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8
The valve cover 2 tbsp. 150-10-1 STP 0501-104-80 on the compressor 305ВП-30/8