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The current division of luxury jewelry and accessories

Offer type: salePublished: 29.09.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Altai Krai, Barnaul
Sold the division of luxury jewelry and accessories in the shopping center Lights.
The Department works with the opening of the shopping centre and managed to gain loyal customers.
Place daily at one of the entrances to the Mall. The administration is good, no problems. In the SEC is always warm and clean, constant surveillance and protection. Plus the opportunity to participate in various promotions conducted by the SEC or by their conduct on the territory of the shopping center.
All the shelves filled with goods plus have large stock in podtovarnika. The product high quality is a very beautiful, see for yourself.
There is a seasonal showcase - in a time-dependent change the product type.
The price includes all commercial equipment (cabinets, safe, cash register) and all the commercial balance.
Hurry up to buy before you begin Golden season sales!