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drug sellers ( ecoproperty)Urgently required

Offer type: salePublished: 28.09.2014
Seller:Kushnir Anella
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Address:Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv, Ukraine
Urgently required drug sellers ( ecoproperty)
Job requirements:
-Interest in earnings
Earnings % of sales
Interesting proposal +decent pay
Work under the order on the price of medicines
The opportunity to work all over Ukraine
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Casodex, Herceptin, The Drug, Zometa, Solaria, Gleevec, Diferelin, Zoladex, Xeloda, MabThera, Pegasis, Femara
MabThera (Mabthera) 100 mg /10 ml, No. 2
Herceptin 150 mg 440 mg No. 1
Tarceva table. p/o 150 mg 100 mg number 30
Temodal capsules. 100 mg 250mg No. 5
Sutent capsules. 50 mg no 28
Zometa 5ml(mg) fluorescence. No. 1
Solaria 4 mg vial. No. 1
Gleevec table. 100mg N60.400mg N30