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Pegasis, femara and many others

Offer type: salePublished: 22.09.2014
Seller:Kushko Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Wholesale prices for cancer drugs
All the details about the range on the phone
The price is more than 300 kinds of products for cancer treatment
Direct deliveries to Turkey and Europe
Casodex, Herceptin, the Drug, zometa, Solaria, Gleevec, Diferelin, Zoladex, xeloda, MabThera, pegasis, femara and many others
order to register on our website or by phone
MabThera (Mabthera) 100 mg /10 ml, No. 2
Herceptin 150 mg 440 mg No. 1
Tarceva table. p/o 150 mg 100 mg number 30
Temodal capsules. 100 mg 250mg No. 5
Sutent capsules. 50 mg no 28
Zometa 5ml(mg) fluorescence. No. 1
Solaria 4 mg vial. No. 1
Gleevec table. 100mg N60.400mg N30
Nexavar table. 200 mg No. 112
Pegasis R-R d/in.SPR. 180 mcg/.135 µg/ 0.5 ml №1
Femara table. p/o 2.5 mg number 30
Casodex table. p/o 50mg.150mg no 28
Remicade vial. 100 mg No. 1
The Zoladex 3,6 mg 10.8 mg syringe FDA. No. 1
Xeloda table. p/500mg no 120.150 mg N 60
Of VELCADE (Bortezomib) 3.5 mg vial, 1 pc.
Gemzar 200 mg no 1.1000 mg No. 1
Arimidex table. p/o 1mg No. 28 Pharmacist :ANELLA: +380635817308 details on the website