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Collaboration with physicians oncologists

Offer type: salePublished: 22.09.2014
Seller:Kushko Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Collaboration with physicians oncologists
We offer Cooperation with doctors, oncologists , pharmacists
Managers on the implementation of products for cancer treatment
Work under the order on our price medicines
Payment % or discounts on drugs.
All negotiated individually
Casodex, Herceptin, The Drug, Zometa, Solaria, Gleevec, Diferelin, Zoladex, Xeloda, MabThera, Pegasis, Femara.
MabThera (Mabthera) 100 mg /10 ml, No. 2
Herceptin 150 mg 440 mg No. 1
Tarceva table. p/o 150 mg 100 mg number 30
Temodal capsules. 100 mg 250mg No. 5
Sutent capsules. 50 mg no 28
Zometa 5ml(mg) fluorescence. No. 1
Solaria 4 mg vial. No. 1
Gleevec table. 100mg N60.400mg N30
Nexavar table. 200 mg No. 112
Pegasis R-R d/in.SPR. 180 mcg/.135 µg/ 0.5 ml №1
Femara table. p/o 2.5 mg number 30
Casodex table. p/o 50mg.150mg no 28
Remicade vial. 100 mg No. 1
The Zoladex 3,6 mg 10.8 mg syringe FDA. No. 1
Xeloda table. p/500mg no 120.150 mg N 60
Of VELCADE (Bortezomib) 3.5 mg vial, 1 pc.
Gemzar 200 mg no 1.1000 mg No. 1
Arimidex table. p/o 1mg No. 28 ANELLA: +380635817308 details on the website farum(.)(com.)ua