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ZE3101 E-learning oborudovanie training equipment

Offer type: salePublished: 12.09.2014
ZE3101 E-learning oborudovanie training equipment
I. training training equipment Review
Electronic training equipment constructed on-demand training and research program on the basis of electronic technology ,electronic training skill electronics vocational schools ,secondary vocational schools, trade schools ,on-demand training and practice to choose a variety of instruments and accessories boards,you can practice different subjects . It is a complex learning theory, experiment and training e skill
II. educational training equipment technical parameters
1.The current source operation of three-phase five-wire system AC380V±5% 50Hz
2.Size 1500×700×1700mm
3.Working environment -10~40
4.Relative humidity 20%~90%
5. Secure system with current and potential protection against leakage
6. Output AC
Three-phase and AC 380V/3A
single-phase and AC 220V/3A
The output of the AC voltage 3V, 9V,12V,15V,18V,24V
7. the source of the stabilized DC voltage DC5V, 0~24V plannedeconomy
8. the generator signal source type Delta-function sinusoidal triangular signal and the rectangular signal
9. frequency 15Hz~100KHz
Plannedeconomy amplitude 0~7VPP, field measurement frequency 1Hz~300KHz
10.source odinochnogo of impluse positive and negative implus
11.the power amplifier audio frequency can be adjusted sonority