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Exotic wood of ABUSE (AYOUS)

Offer type: salePublished: 12.09.2014
Seller:ukrazcam OOO "UKR.AZ.KAM."
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
ITC LLC "UKR.AZ.KAM.", as the exclusive supplier of exotic wood from the Republic of Cameroon, offers You a direct WHOLESALE supplies lumber and veneer 34 kinds of valuable breeds of wood (edged Board, bar):
Wood color Abacha from creamy white to pale yellow. Wood Abacha soft, but durable and formoustojchivy. Texture fine and even. Fiber is often confusing-svilevatyh, radial cuts form a weakly visible bands. Breed unstable. Prone to blue and rot. For logs Abacha characteristic black swirls, fragile heart, ring cracks and damage by insects in some logs. Picture by radial sawing may resemble ribbons. Fibration sometimes irregular. Despite the lightness of the wood Abacha has good strength, yielding pine on modulus of rupture (strength factor (bending) of only 15%. Breed unstable. The comparative softness of the wood Abacha facilitates its manual and machine processing. In order to avoid scuffing and chipping surface, it is desirable to apply the tools with thin and sharp cutting edges. Easily turns finishing of high quality. Board of Abacha perfectly etched dyes and polished, good cutting and planing.
The use of Abacha: the production of veneer, cladding, internal joinery, used in the construction of baths and saunas.
Drying - AD
Humidity - 10% ± 2%
Terms of delivery - FOB and CFR.
Minimum delivery is 19 cubic meters.
Price - on request, is formed from the scope and dimensions of wood.
Our company is interested in cooperation with companies (parquet, Windows, doors, furniture, staircases, high-quality joinery, decoration items, construction), the creation of a joint venture in the Republic of Cameroon for the full cycle of processing and production of wood.
Detailed information:
Tel: +38 093 607 56 16
Tel: +38 096 234 23 12