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Bag filters

Offer type: salePublished: 12.09.2014
Seller:Yang Liliya yang
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Device for welding frames sleeveless bag filters----this equipment is used in the production of frames for bag filters.
We are professional manufacturer, we have extensive experience in the production of equipment for resistance welding of frames sleeveless bag filters.
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We offer quality equipment for resistance welding of frames of bag filters----from single machines to entire line.
1.In the basic configuration of the line include:
1) Machine DLN-24-5 for resistance welding of frames by the number of wires from 8 to 24 PCs
2) a Machine for making rings RM-6-310
3) Pneumatic machine butt welding UR-40
4) Machine for welding the upper part of the DS-80
5) Machine for welding the bottom of the DX-80
6) a Machine for making correct wires TZ2.8-5