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100% Arabica (Cameroon) Premium

Offer type: salePublished: 10.09.2014
Seller:ukrazcam OOO "UKR.AZ.KAM."
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Cameroon's Arabica 100% - organic flavored coffee, without additives and flavorings, without impurities cheap coffee!
Taste: soft, gentle, without the acidity.
Finish: natural taste of chocolate with caramel fragrance free.
For the first time in Ukraine monoart, no blends, mixtures, and non-GMO.
Official products with a 100% guarantee of compliance with the grade and SES conclusion.
Roasting is done in small batches for maximum freshness of the coffee.
Packaging-the package foil.
1000 gr. - 450 UAH.
500 gr. - 230 UAH.
250 gr. - 115 UAH.
For wholesale buyers (10 kg) a flexible system of discounts!!!
Delivery across Ukraine.
Our company is also interested in cooperation with companies and producers of coffee on the territory of Ukraine.
Contact information:
Tel: +38 093 607 56 16
Tel: +38 096 234 23 12