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Shea butter (batter-karite)

Offer type: salePublished: 07.09.2014
Seller:Opt Myilo
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Shea butter (Karite) or batter Shea butter, this is a great product from fruit of the Karite tree. Grow it in Africa, people use Shea butter in cooking. From the distant past came to our times that those who use Shea butter in food do not suffer from skin diseases, as well as their skin for a long time still young and able to regenerate, and this notice is not all. The Shea butter has protection from UF-rays, Africans life are under the scorching sun. Butter batter Shi excellent base oil additives in handmade soap. For the inhabitants of these is just a godsend, because soap with Shea butter comes from skin diseases, wrinkles, scars on the skin, scalp and hair. Shea butter can be compared with the elixir of youth which cares for Your skin. In our online store is the lowest and affordable prices on Shea butter! Manufacturer: Germany
Buy Shea Butter (karite) You can on pages of our Internet store both wholesale and retail. www.мыло-опт
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