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The apricot oil

Offer type: salePublished: 02.09.2014
Seller:Opt Myilo
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Oil of apricot pits perfect assistant in soap, shampoos, cosmetic products. It perfectly nourishes the skin is the ideal skin protection. Suitable for dry and normal skin. Oil of apricot pits ideally fights aging of the skin, removes redness, peeling skin. It is used both in pure form and in soap making. Oil of apricot pits an assistant at burns household and Sunny. Simply apply it on the skin in its pure form. The oil is suitable for combating cellulite. Costs only add to the butter apricot seeds a few drops of essential oil and You will receive a new product: massage oil. With this oil will be the effect of massage and unforgettable aromatherapy for the client.
Manufacturer: Germany
Buy oil of Apricot pits You on pages of our Internet store both wholesale and retail. www.мыло-опт
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