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Spec. assessment of working conditions at FZ No. 426

Offer type: servicesPublished: 02.09.2014
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Address:Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow, Rostov oblast'
Conduct a special assessment of working conditions for 10 days to refund 20% of the cost at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund!
- Prices from 800 rubles for 1 job!
- Free carry out the audit on labor protection
Free You from additional contributions
- Decide conflicts with regulatory authorities
- Work in Russia!
By results of work you get a complete set of documents:
- Expert opinion
Data on production sites and the presence/absence of hazards
Protocols examination of the effectiveness of PPE
Card sperience with class working conditions at each workplace
The list of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of hazards and improving working conditions of employees
Detailed information on our website.