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Seedlings crimson tree "Tarusa"

Offer type: salePublished: 01.09.2014
Seller:Fursa Galya
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Address:Ukraine, Cherkas'ka Oblast'
Raspberry Tarusa - Grade medium-late, ripens July 8-10, yielding raspberry Stam type. Bushes Tarusa require virtually no supports, but still yield better in the presence of the tapestry. Berries large and very large (7-gr.), the yield per hive 3-4 kg, per hectare up to 20t., in the form of "chiseled" with a beautiful shiny surface a pleasant sweet taste. Powerfully developed right tall bushes of this variety is compact, consist of thickened besshumnyj shoots. Raspberry unpretentious, compact Bush, berries dense, transportable.
Shipping: ,Cherkasy, or distribution of seedlings in Ukraine New Mail cod.