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Plants for the production of tomato powder, paste, tomato juice.

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Seller:Nosova Elena Yur'evna
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Address:Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa

Spray drying of tomato powder is a waste - free technology, in which the dispersion liquid of the original product with special devices in the thread gaseous coolant. The residence time of the product in the drying zone is very little, and a high degree of dispersion provides a fast drying with retaining all of the biochemical properties of the product.


Scope - dry seasonings, sauces, juices, dry soups, chips, crackers, etc. where necessary natural color and taste of the tomato.


ICF Welko, says, the construction of the factory for the production of dry tomato powder, paste and tomato juice is economically justified by the event and offer their services.


Turnkey plant is the optimal ratio of financial costs and minimum terms of performance, and also guaranteed cooperation with only one contractor.