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Chlorine-free water treatment disinfection by ionization and ultraviolet radiation Aquatron.

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:12 700 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv

Chlorine-free cleaning pool water disinfection using ionization and ultraviolet radiation. Private pool it's easy, fun and certainly an improvement, but what can be health if your pool contains chlorine. Chlorine as any chemistry has unpleasant smell, many people cause allergies, irritate the sheath.

Ionizers copper and silver Aquatron-i500 require a minimum of care and guarantee maximum comfort, savings and positive effect on health of the person.

Ionizer Aquatroni500 is a compact system for chlorine-free disinfection of pool water with reliable protection and a wide range of adjustments.

Consists of a block management and bulbs mannosebinding electrodes. The system is simple in operation and requires minimum maintenance. The i500 series with one bulb electrodes designed for pools up to 60 m3 series i500k2 with two flasks from 60 m3 to 120 m3.

Installation ultraviolet radiation Aquatron - uv30 (uv36) long wave (UV-C) over 253.7 nm is used for disinfection of water, together with any disinfectant settings (charator, ionizer, ozonizer, and so on).

For pools with more than m and up to 80m3 set two emitters in parallel.

Design and installation. Cash and cashless payments, Webmoney. Delivery to any city and region of Ukraine, convenient courier services.