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The oven Lainox Aroma PE005M used

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:150 UAH
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Sell the oven Lainox Aroma used in working condition.
Dimensions: 1020*1050*1890. Type: confectionery, number of levels, items: 5, connection type: electric / control unit: electromechanic / Temperature range: 30-300 / Size trays, mm: h Rastey wardrobe with humidification and ventilation system. Pastry oven AROMA production the company LAINOX simplify the work of professionals and confectionery bakery products, emphasizing their natural taste and aroma products and creating delicious and soblaznitelnye desserts. Constructive and clear philosophy, the main aim of which is innovation and research, makes LAINOX unique the company for which continuous improvement is a daily work. Confectionery oven LAINOX is much more than a conventional oven.

The stock of used equipment. Sent in any city of Ukraine. Prices and availability of equipment check by phone.

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