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Repair and overhaul reciprocating compressors VM-100/8, VM-120/9, VM-63/9, VM-50/8, 2VM2,5-12/9 2VM2,5-14/9, VM-24/9, VP-16/70

Offer type: salePublished: 23.05.2024
Company:OOO PKP 'Gazsel'stroj LTD'
Seller:Aleksandr Yur'evich
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine
Repair and overhaul reciprocating compressors VM-100/8, VM-120/9, VM-63/9, VM-50/8, 2VM2,5-12/9 2VM2,5-14/9, VM-24/9, VP-16/70, WM 27/9, VP-30/8, VP-4/220, VP-4/400, VM-8/401, VM-24/9, VM-27/9, VP-20/9, VP-10/9, VP-10/8, etc.
We manufacture repair and overhaul compressor equipment of different manufacturers, Specialists are highly qualified, trained and certified by the manufacturer of the compressor equipment will help You to perform repair and overhaul.
Our company has extensive experience in the repair of any complexity compressors of various domestic . The quality of the repair is the availability of the necessary technical equipment and qualified personnel.
Repair on the basis of our company is:
by replacing worn parts and components ;
by restoring parts polishing, gilzovka, welding and other methods.
On site repairs operation of the compressor is carried out only by replacing worn out parts and components for new ones.