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The air collector ( Receiver) 6.3 pressure P=0.8 MPa

Offer type: salePublished: 23.05.2024
Company:OOO PKP 'Gazsel'stroj LTD'
Seller:Aleksandr Yur'evich
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine
The air manifold is equipped with a standard base and fittings for installing a pressure gauge and safety valve. Air collectors In-0,5; 1; 2; 3,2 are made of carbon steel st3sp. Air collectors In-4; 6,3; 8; 10; 16; 20; 25 are made of carbon steel 09G2S. Standard tanks are calculated for working pressure up to 0.8 MPa (8 kgf/cm2) and a temperature range from -60°C to +180 °C. it is Possible to manufacture tanks pressure up to 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2) service Life of horizontal and vertical tanks depends on operating conditions and can be up to 20 years.