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Zakuani RAM -350.

Offer type: salePublished: 19.09.2013

Sell zakuani RAM -350.
Capacity stainless RAM-350, volume l, with jacket, insulation and stirrer. Capacity after the restoration, with a new motor-reducer and stirrer. Working pressure in the jacket 0.7 ATM, if necessary, can be installed electric heat.
Designed for the production of fermented foods and beverages and for the preparation of industrial fermentation by pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria by milk pasteurization, fermentation and cooling of the starter.(A)
A complete list of equipment with photos and detailed descriptions on the website
, Moscow, Ph.(495) 972-56-58, (963) 672-33-33, (916) 640-86-86, (926) 375-43-87. ICQ 239767070. Website:

Seller:Medvedev Vasilij
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Address:Russian Federation