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Bread slicing MFN-EDM/01

Offer type: salePublished: 02.09.2013
Seller:TOKUR Ali
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Bread slicing (slicers) are designed for quick, balanced and easy cutting of bread.
Semi-automatic slicers model MFN-01 EDM. Ideal for canteens, shops, cafes, hotels and bakeries. May even cut rye, warm or toasted bread!
Automatic bread slicer model MFN-02 EDM. The capacity of 1500 PCs/h Grease knives vegetable oil. Blowing packages! Ideal for bakeries and bakeries. Performs automatic continuous cutting procedure laid on the ribbon bread. The second line above does not allow the loaves of bread to overlap each other in the cutting process, and the height of cut of bread is regulated depending on size of bread. Using pens regulation bread is cut without crushing and breaking. Thanks to adjust the speed of the tape can be cut at any speed. Razdoval packages included (sliced bread easily fit push hands in the drop-down air package. The package laid on him the bread breaks away from the previous package, the bottom package similarly opens with air, as the top and so on).
Brief description:
•Surfaces in contact with the product during the cutting process, made of stainless steel
•The thickness of the cut pieces is regulated at the desired interval, starting from 8 mm
•Equipped with a sump to collect crumbs, stainless knives that are designed for long term use
•Power consumption according to the customer 220V / 1 phase or 380V / 3 phase
•Low energy consumption, easy cleaning and machining of parts
•a gift we give an extra set of knives!
•Have a certificate of conformity and Sanitary-Epidemiological conclusion of the Russian Federation.
•The warranty period is 2 years.