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Pipe galvanized steel according to GOST 3262-75, 10704-80

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Seller:Sergej Aleksandrovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Pipe galvanized steel according to GOST 3262-75, 10704-80
Pipe galvanized steel according to GOST 3262-75, 10704-80.

The gas pipe (AIV) galvanized (est. DU h,8 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

The gas pipe (AIV) galvanized (est. DU 20X2,8 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

The gas pipe (AIV) galvanized (est. DU h,2 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

The gas pipe (AIV) galvanized (est. DU 32x3,2 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

The gas pipe (AIV) galvanized (est. DU h,5 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

The gas pipe (AIV) galvanized (est. DU h,5 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

Pipe galvanized steel (est. ) H,5 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

Pipe galvanized steel (est. ) H,5 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP

Pipe galvanized steel (est. ) H,5 6m; 1 tbsp.-KP/SS/SP