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The crankshaft 85-1-0-1, VM-120/9, VM-100/8, VM-40\70, WM-50\71, VM-40/35

Offer type: salePublished: 23.07.2024
Company:OOO PKP 'Gazsel'stroj LTD'
Seller:Aleksandr Yur'evich
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine

The crankshaft 85-1-0-1

the crankshaft VM-120/9
crankshaft VM-100/8
the crankshaft VM-40\70
crankshaft compressor WM-50\71
the crankshaft VM-40/35
there are 2 crankshaft HB base VM the crankshaft in operation were not in perfect condition.