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Kefir - Provt (Profit)

Offer type: salePublished: 03.08.2015

Bacterial sourdough Provt. Kefir-Provt: Recommended for daily use, Has immunostimulatory properties, Normalizes digestion

Bacterial culture Yogurt-Proft made on the basis of natural kefir grains. Bacterial culture Yogurt-Prout characterized by a high content of soluble digestible protein compounds. Yogurt is recognized as a natural probiotic, which activates the natural forces of the body. It has a positive effect on the hematopoietic function of the body and has long been used for anemia , to stimulate digestion, especially in people of advanced age.

Dairy products prepared at home, personally, savor the best, because you use fresh high quality product. The Institute of food resources ensures a good mood after each glass Kefir - Prout.