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Ryazhenka - Provt (EProfit)

Offer type: salePublished: 03.08.2015

Bacterial sourdough Provt. Ryazhenka-Provt: Traditional Ukrainian product, Lowers cholesterol, is Recommended for daily use

Eating Fermented baked milk-Proft increases twice the content of free amino acids in the human body and reduces the level of cholesterol.

Lactic acid bacteria included in the composition of the leaven Ryazhenka-Prout, have high biological activity and provide product dietary properties. Ryazhenka normalizes digestive function gastrointestinal tract, heals the microbiocenosis of intestines, accelerates the excretion of products of metabolism, normalizes the weight of a person.

Dairy products prepared at home, personally, savor the best, because you use fresh high quality product. The Institute of food resources ensures a good mood after each glass Ryazhenka - Prout.