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Building land

Offer type: salePublished: 28.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Vsevolozhsk
DNP, Vsevolozhskiy R-n, Sverdlovsk town, the forth Islands. Sold 30 sections 8, 9, 10 acres next to the cat. villages "Fishing village", "Nevsky Island, near the forest, in 150-200 metres from the banks of the Neva river, a very beautiful, Sunny, beautiful, tall and quiet place. All lots are flat and dry. The territory of 3.06 hectares From city 17 km on the car, (on a boat on the Neva river).
Around only wealthy neighbors, select in the border received technical conditions, it is possible to connect the gas. Plots are sold from a private individual. No payments, because there is no control. company. Min. taxes, because the permitted use for Suburban development, spelled out in all 30 of the Evidence.(Save all). You can do the registration. Land surveying sites and roads carried out fully. The documents are ready.