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Soybean meal pellets in bulk from the manufacturer

Offer type: salePublished: 26.08.2014
Seller:Astarta-Kiev Astarta-Kiev
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
The company offers on a regular basis high-protein soybean meal pellets:
- no GMOs
protein A. minimum 50,00 %
- fiber A. a maximum of 5.00 %
- the fat content on - a minimum of 0.7%
the urease activity of 0.01-0.2 N/g min 0°C on EEC method
- other indicators according to DSTU 4230:2003
Production facilities and warehouses are located in Poltava region, Globino.
Min. order 30 so
The market price
+38(050) 418-30-92; +38(095) 281-47-76
Astarta-Kyiv is a vertically integrated agro-industrial holding, the leader of the sugar, dairy and cooperatively industry of Ukraine. The main directions of the company activities are the cultivation of sugar beet, grain and oilseeds, the production of high quality sugar and related products (molasses and dry granular sugar beet pulp), as well as milk and meat.
Power company for the processing of soybeans annually amount to about 220 thousand tons, production of meal with high protein content 160 thousand tons, soybean oil is about 40 thousand tons and 9 tons of granulated shell. The plant is equipped with modern high-tech equipment and is one of the best in Europe, and manufactured products comply with the international standards.